Our Policy
AR does not collect personally identifiable information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. This means we don’t require visitors to register or provide information to us in order to view our site. If you choose to use our online store, we collect the following information: name, shipping and billing addresses, phone number, email address, products ordered, and temporarily process credit card information. Transactions are conducted in a secure encrypted mode which prohibits their interception by any third party. We do not share any information about you with any third party. The email address you provide is used for internal purposes only, such as confirming and tracking your order.
AR takes your privacy and security seriously. For this reason we have established physical security measures including locked doors and files and managerial controls that limit the potential for misuse of information by employees and contractors.
Like most companies, we use “cookie” technology on our web site. The cookie is active on your computer temporarily and its sole purpose is to save you the bother of reentering information you have previously given us about shipping and billing addresses or orders that you are in the process of entering. The cookie doesn’t track any personal information about you or provide us with any way to contact you, and the cookie doesn’t extract any information from your computer. Cookies are simply the best way for us to be able to offer you the most enjoyable and hassle-free online shopping environment.
Please feel confident that we employ the most advanced technology for protecting your transaction information.
Questions and Comments
If you have any questions, please contact us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or hear your concerns.