Michael Parenti

Michael Parenti is a leading independent political analyst and scholar. Cornel West calls him, “a towering prophetic voice.” He has taught at major colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. He is the author of numerous books including Democracy for the Few, Power and the Powerless, The Assassination of Julius Caesar, and Against Empire.


Date Recorded Program Title Handle
1995: 09/23 Fascism: The False Revolution PARM017
2008: 08/05 Class Struggle from Roman Times to Today PARM040
2005: 11/16 Imperialism PARM038
1998: 09/14 Class Time PARM039
1984: 03/14 Democracy PARM001
1995: 05/18 U.S. Interventions: A History of Excuses PARM037
2013: 11/09 To the People Who Live in Darkness PARM036
1993: 11/22 JFK Assassination & the Gangster State PARM033
2000: 10/13 Building Independent Media: Strategies for Change PARM-GOOA001
1989: 04/01 The Ideology of the Entertainment Media PARM035
1993: 04/02 Conspiracy & Class Power PARM034
2012: 01/06 The Pathology of Wealth PARM032
1988: 08/02 Superpatriotism PARM004
1993: 06/14 Political Economy of Gender Oppression PARM031
1986: 04/09 Monopoly Culture and Academic Freedom PARM030
1987: 04/12 Theocracy vs. Democracy PARM029
2003: 10/13 The Arrogance of Empire PARM024
2001: 11/10 Globalization & Imperialism PARM023
1998: 10/03 The Manufacture of History PARM022
2000: 05/15 History as Mystery PARM021
1999: 05/16 The U.S. War on Yugoslavia PARM020
1999: 01/28 The Sword and the Dollar PARM019
1997: 04/09 The Hidden Ideology of the Mass Media PARM018
1995: 09/28 Costs of Empire PARM016
1995: 04/04 Media Realities PARM015
1994: 05/11 The Control of History PARM014
1992: 10/23 The Struggle for Democracy PARM013
1991: 11/14 Voodoo Economics PARM011
1990: 11/11 Real History: Parts 1 and 2 PARM010
1991: 04/02 The Bush Wars & the New World Order PARM009
1991: 01/24 Why Gulf War? PARM008
1990: 11/04 Imperialism, Drugs & Social Control PARM007
1990: 04/04 Marxism and the Crisis in Eastern Europe PARM006
1989: 11/30 Media Myths and U.S. Foreign Policy PARM005
1988: 08/16 On Propaganda PARM003
1987: 04/20 Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media PARM002
2009: 02/04 The Hypocrisies of Capitalism PARM028
2008: 01/17 Contrary Notions PARM027
2006: 04/09 Race, Gender & Class Struggle PARM026
1992: 09/25 The Origins of Racism PARM012
2003: 06/06 How I Became An Activist PARM025
