Real History: Parts 1 and 2
Real History is a series of presentations by Michael Parenti on important and controversial topics, many of which have been shrouded in myth. Take the much venerated Founding Fathers. They were slave owners and wealthy men who wanted a system that favored their interests with democracy for the few. Or another example is how the West up until the very late 1930s was in favor of Hitler as it saw him as a bulwark against communism. Knowledge of history is critical, Professor Parenti says, because those who dominate our vision of the past exercise preeminent control over how we view the present and the future.
This set is Michael Parenti at his cogent and incisive best. Very much worth getting.
CD1: The Myths of the Founding Fathers; The Spanish-American War & the Rise of U.S. Imperialism
CD2: The Functions of Fascism; The Origins of World War II

Michael Parenti
Michael Parenti is a leading independent political analyst and scholar. Cornel West calls him, “a towering prophetic voice.” He has taught at major colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. He is the author of numerous books including Democracy for the Few, Power and the Powerless, The Assassination of Julius Caesar, and Against Empire.
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