Today, Iraq. Tomorrow . . . ?
A Pax Americana is emerging in the Middle East. Today the U.S. stands astride Iraq. The Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean are virtually U.S. lakes guarded over by the largest naval armadas in the world. American planes command the skies. The Middle East is dotted with and surrounded by U.S. military bases. Iraq which was devastated by years of sanctions and constant bombing was relatively easy pickings for the global hegemon. Who will be next? What will happen in Iraq? There are already clear indications that not all Iraqis welcome U.S. presence in their ancient land.
Interview by David Barsamian.

As'ad AbuKhalil
As’ad AbuKhalil, a native of Lebanon, is a leading expert on the Middle East. He received his B.A. and M.A. from the American University of Beirut, and his Ph.D. from Georgetown University. He teaches at California State University at Stanislaus and at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at UC/Berkeley. He is the author of Bin Laden, Islam & America’s New War on Terrorism. His latest book is The Battle for Saudi Arabia.
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