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Sea Shepherds
Paul Watson
They fire chocolate pies and stink bombs from cannons. They also sink docked ships. They’ve dismantled the illegal Icelandic whaling industry and have been attacked by the Norwegian Navy. Governments and the corporate media call them terrorists, but these activists call themselves the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Their sole mission is to defend marine wildlife.The […]
The New Media Monopoly
Ben Bagdikian
In 1983 there were 50 corporations that controlled the media in the U.S. Today that number is down to 5. What does that portend for democracy and the information needs of the citizenry? The 1996 Telecommunications Act had a lot to do with the acceleration of monopolies. Its enthusiastic advocates promised more media diversity. The […]
Seize the Time!
Arundhati Roy
People have power but can exercise it most effectively when it is organized and collective. It’s relatively easy for the state and big business to pick off and neutralize freelancers and lone operatives. It’s when a movement forms that the state and the corporations can be challenged. Citizens in privileged societies like the U.S. often […]
Journalism & Democracy
Bill Moyers
Journalism, the fabled Fourth Estate, was once guided by the dictum: Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable. Today, millionaire anchors, caked in makeup and competing for the best hair on the air are bored readers of teleprompters. As newspapers, TV and radio are gobbled up by huge conglomerates fixated on maximizing profits, investigative journalism, […]
Politics & Film
John Sayles
In post-9/11 America, the big Hollywood studios are more timid than ever. They don’t want to offend Washington upon whom their parent conglomerates depend for tax breaks and licenses. A case in point is The Quiet American. It was set for release but the studio held it back. Why? Because the film, based on Graham Greene’s […]
Resistance & the Role of Artists
Howard Zinn
Artists have always been on the cutting edge of society. They are the innovators as well as the seers. Go back to Aeschylus, the great 5th century BC Greek playwright who wrote The Persians. This classic drama was a warning to the Greeks to not be consumed by the same arrogance that was undoing of the Persians. […]
Public Power in the Age of Empire
Arundhati Roy
The U.S. is the world’s greatest military power. Always projecting an image of reluctance and innocence, American presidents attack and intervene in the affairs of other countries. They routinely claim history, providence, destiny or some other abstraction has conferred certain obligations on Washington. The U.S. practices imperialism without formal colonies. Surrogates, often trained in the […]
The Battle for Saudi Arabia
As'ad AbuKhalil
Saudi Arabia is a most unusual country. Its oil reserves are the largest in the world. It is run like a privately owned business operated by the Saud family. Hundreds of princes and their hanger ons preside over a nation without a constitution. Patriarchy, misogyny, oppression, censorship, religious intolerance characterize this feudal regime. Since Saudi […]
Why Are We In Iraq?
Scott Ritter
The U.S. attack on Iraq is a defining event of this era. Why was it done? What was the haste? We now know from Bush Administration officials Paul O’Neill and Richard Clarke that Iraq was a target before September 11. Neocon ideologues like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz drove the policy to launch a war on […]
The Progressive Story of America
Bill Moyers
The U.S. economy grew steadily through most of the 1990s. However, nearly all of the newly created wealth has gone to the already rich, magnifying market-generated inequalities. President Bush and the Republicans have reduced taxes paid by the rich and services for everyone else, while increasing corporate subsidies. Democrats for the most part have not […]
Imperial Democracy
Arundhati Roy
Hey! Step right up. Want some democracy? We got a great new brand right here on the shelf ready to go. Seal-wrapped straight from the factory. And we’ll get it to you through the barrel of a gun. Shipping and handling are on us. U.S. imperialism, like its predecessors, is based on the moral right […]
War Crimes & Imperial Fantasies
Noam Chomsky
When official enemies commit crimes, they must be punished. That is an unquestioned staple of public discourse. Occasionally, as in the torture and killing of prisoners in Cuba, Iraq and Afghanistan, a few bad apples tarnish the reputation of the United States but the doctrine of our basic goodness prevails. In an underreported revelation, recently […]