Challenging Empire: U.S Middle East Policy
“Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country,” warned President Bush just two weeks before launching the war. U.S. troops will be greeted as “liberators,” the Vice President predicted. A servile press corps, perhaps better called a press corpse, went along and asked few questions. Washington invades Iraq on totally false pretenses and then turns a SNAFU into a FUBAR with “Mission Accomplished” photo ops, bogus stories about Jessica Lynch, endless turning points, tipping points, milestones and a so-called surge. Meanwhile in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, the U.S. is building the largest embassy in the world, elsewhere in Iraq it has built permanent bases. For Iraqis, the carnage is destroying their country, one of the cradles of civilization.

Phyllis Bennis
Phyllis Bennis, a Middle East expert, is a Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and directs its New Internationalism Project. She has appeared on PBS, NPR, BBC, and CBC. She is the author of many books including Before & After: U.S. Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis and Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today’s UN. Her latest books are Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Challenging Empire.
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