Green Party Politics
The Republicans and Democrats had their corporate-paid-for coronations in Philadelphia and LA. The network anchors, with their golden rolodex of experts, chimed in with much gravitas. But somehow the media could not find their way to Denver, where the Green Party held its national convention. In stark contrast to the lavish spectacles of the two major parties, hundreds of delegates from all over the U.S. gathered in the Mile High City. This program brings you some of the highlights from the Green Party convention.

Jello Biafra
Jello Biafra was the leader of the punk rock band Dead Kennedys. He lectures widely on social issues. Medea Benjamin frequently travels to and documents human rights violations in the Third World. She’s co-founder and co-director of Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based organization. She has written extensively on international issues. She led a delegation to Indonesia to investigate the situation there. She is the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in California. Manning Marable is professor of history at Columbia University, where he also directs the Institute for Research in African American Studies, and one of the country’s most distinguished political scientists and authors. He is the author of The Crisis of Color and Democracy and Black Liberation in Conservative America and a noted Malcolm X scholar. His syndicated column “Along the Color Line” appears in over 250 newspapers and journals nationally and internationally.

Medea Benjamin
Medea Benjamin is a renowned peace activist and social justice advocate. Newsday calls her, “one of America’s most committed and most effective fighters for human rights.” She is co-founder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK. She is the recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Prize from the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Gandhi Peace Award. She is the author of many books including Inside Iran, Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection and War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless War.

Manning Marable
Manning Marable, a renowned scholar, was a professor of public affairs, political science, history and African American studies at Columbia University. His syndicated column “Along the Color Line” appeared in over 400 newspapers and journals worldwide. He’s the author of many books including How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America, Living Black History, and his masterwork Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention. Manning Marble died in New York in 2011.
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