Code Pink: Stories from the Anti-War Movement
As public approval ratings for President Bush are lower than ever and many polls show a growing majority of Americans turning against the war in Iraq, the administration is stepping up their rhetoric, spinning the conversation away from a moral and political disaster. But there is this group of women throwing the spin off balance at every turn. Their voices are clear and direct, angry and passionate. This is Code Pink, a global group of women against war. It started four years ago, during the Bush administration’s relentless push to justify an invasion of Iraq. Since then, Code Pink has grown to over 200 local chapters around the world and is playing a key role in re-invigorating the anti-war movement with flair, color and imagination.

Jodie Evans
Jodie Evans is a veteran activist with 30 years experience in organizing for social change. She co-founded Code Pink with the well-known human rights activist Medea Benjamin. They’ve also edited the recent book Stop The Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism.
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