Official Sources Say
Journalism was once considered an honorable profession. And no doubt for some it still is. But for those whose occupation and preoccupation is to genuflect before power it has become a ticket to fame and fortune. In the U.S. most journalists work for large corporations who demand substantial profits to satisfy their stockholders. Nothing wrong with that except journalism is supposed to play a special role in society. It is there to check the abuses and expose the lies of the powerful. There is far too much reliance on official sources and too little investigative journalism.
Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk, based in Beirut, was the renowned Middle East correspondent for The Independent. He was winner of the Amnesty International UK Press Award and the Lannan Prize for Cultural Freedom. The Financial Times called him “one of the outstanding reporters of his generation.” He was the author of Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon, The Great War for Civilization, and The Age of the Warrior. He died in October 2020.
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