Fortress America: The Military Industrial Complex
The end of Cold War was supposed to usher in a peace dividend, a redirection in budget priorities from defense to the civilian sector. It hasn’t happened. The military busies itself with ever new missions from humanitarian intervention in Haiti to bombing Iraq to leading the attack on Yugoslavia. When it comes to military spending the U.S. is in a class by itself. Its defense budget exceeds that of the next 7 countries combined. And Clinton wants even more money for the Pentagon. The U.S. is in an arms race with itself. And the winners are the giant defense contractors and their lobbyists.

William Greider
William Greider was a reporter and editor of Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, The Nation and other publications. He was the author of Secrets of the Temple, Who Will Tell the People, Fortress America. and One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. He passed away in 2019.
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