Russia, Ukraine, the War & the U.S.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine with its horrific atrocities and massive refugee crisis has turned the world upside down. The war will have a huge impact on global food security as both countries are major exporters of wheat, barley and other grains. As usual, the media provide very little context and background. We are told ad nauseum that the Russian invasion was unprovoked. A careful look at history reveals a slightly more nuanced picture. To explain is not to excuse Moscow’s criminal attack. Meanwhile, as two-time legendary Medal of Honor winner Marine Corps General Smedley Butler reminds us, “War is a racket.” U.S. weapons corporations are lining up to feed at the trough. Before the war is over many Ukrainians and Russians will die while Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman will make money hand over fist.
Interview by David Barsamian
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Katrina vanden Heuvel is the editorial director and publisher of The Nation magazine. She writes a weekly column for The Washington Post. She has edited or co-edited such books as The Change I Believe In and Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev’s Reformers.
Listener in New York –
I heard & ordered your great interview with Katrina vanden Heuvel. What scope she gives us! I must have others listen to your interview.
She is part of my governance like Chris Hedges, Ralph Nader & Noam Chomsky.
Listener –
A brilliant insight into essential history, enormous policy errors and horrific miscalculations.
listener in OR –
Your journalistic skill in handling the interview, the issues…the open dynamic of her intelligence and historical perspective, was wondrous to listen to.
PA Listener –
Very enlightening.
Boulder listener –
Ukraine, the Maidan coup, more details and analysis. Thank you so much for the interview with Katrina vander H. She covered most, but not all the issues. Nobody mentions National Endowment for Democracy’s presence. How much did Allen Dulles affect our culture and values with the importation of so many nazis?
Longmont, CO listener –
Your interview with Katrina that was on KGNU/AR tonight was magnificent. I’m going to get the MP3 through the website as I need to listen to it over and over again.
Matt Voth –
Although stuck in traffic in a downpour, I was riveted to the radio during this interview, and found myself glad to have been allotted the time to hear the entire thing. KBOO listener in Portland, Oregon
listener in CO –
Marvelous interview. So detailed, thorough and informative.
Colorado Listener –
This is brilliant. I’m really impressed with your knowledge of Russian history. Since the US tried to get me into Vietnam I’ve been skeptical of our government. Especially of the ones behind the scenes who are permanently entrenched. Like Victoria Nuland keeps popping up like herpes. Creating the enemy is essential to support the “deep state”.
I remember hearing Steve Cohen talking about Russia and other things and thinking he was 180 degrees from the rest but actually made sense. I looked up “oligarchy”. Aristotle coined the word. Nothing new. Wikipedia suggests it is alive and well in the good ole USA. For sure. I love to listen to Katrina. She makes surprising connections. Thank you.