The Human Face of the Global Economy
When you go down to your nearest mall and shop for clothes, you are looking for the best price. If you can get a name brand, all the better. Few consider who makes that shirt, sweater or pair of jeans or sneakers. Evidence has mounted in the past few years that much of the clothing and shoes we buy from companies like Nike are made under dreadful sweatshop conditions by poorly paid workers, many of them children, in Third World countries.
Charlie Kernaghan
Charlie Kernaghan was the executive director of the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, formerly known as the National Labor Committee in Support of Human and Worker Rights. He was known for speaking out against sweatshops, corporate greed and the poor living and working conditions of workers around the world. The New York Times called him “the labor movement’s mouse that roared.” He died in 2022.
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