Media: Too Close to Power
The cherished myth that the media are independent, balanced, value free and have no point of view is crumbling. Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti and others have documented that the media are not objective but rather promote certain biases. Media economics have been transformed. Local small town newspapers are now owned by large corporations. TV and radio stations are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few. As a result media, rather than challenging the status quo, have become stenographers to power.
Martin Lee
Martin Lee is co-founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), the New York-based media watch group. An award-winning journalist, he has investigated the CIA and its drug experiments. His classic book on the topic is Acid Dreams. He is also the author of The Beast Reawakens and Smoke Signals. He is director of Project CBD and a contributing editor of O’Shaughnessy’s.
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