Beyond the War Economy
TWA and Macy’s are but two of U.S. corporations to file for bankruptcy. There are daily announcements of new layoffs. Key industrial centers are turning into rust belts. Serious problems plague the economy. Instead of rational planning, we have Asia-bashing. The military sector absorbs a huge amount of money, resources, and talent. Until and unless this structural imbalance is addressed and corrected, distortions in the economy will continue.
Interview by David Barsamian.
Recorded at Columbia University.
Seymour Melman
Seymour Melman was a professor of industrial engineering at Columbia University. He was the author of numerous articles and books, including The Permanent War Economy, Profits Without Production, and The Demilitarized Society. Professor Melman was a member and leading force in the National Commission for Economic Conversion. He died in 2004.
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