Israel, Iran & the US: Treacherous Alliance
You know the old saw, politics makes strange bedfellows. How about this one? Israel, Iran and the U.S. Yep, hard to believe but true. For many years the three acted in close cooperation. It’s a story that’s barely known. And for good reason. It is inconvenient. It’s like being reminded that the U.S. supported Saddam Hussain during his worse atrocities in the 1980s. Now that Iran is evil incarnate and its leader is compared to Hitler, all kinds of charges are leveled against it. Iran is responsible for the messes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush announces, “Iran is a threat to nation’s everywhere.” Everywhere? Nigeria? Ecuador? New Zealand, too? Iran is the excuse for the U.S. to inject itself even further into the Middle East by building more bases and selling billions of dollars in weaponry.

Trita Parsi
Trita Parsi was president of the National Iranian American Council. He is the co-founder and Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute. He is the author of Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran & the Triumph of Diplomacy. He is a contributor to David Barsamian’s Retargeting Iran book.
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