6 reviews for The Recovery of the Commons

  1. John M. Morgan

    Shiva does an excellent job of explaining the history of the theft (and destruction) of the commons by corporate and capitalist forces.

    The “tragedy of the commons” is a popular myth created to justify the theft. See:


  2. Armel Patanian

    It’s been a while since I listened to this episode, though I remember looking forward to it because of Shiva’s accomplished career. I also remember that, unfortunately, the further I got into the talk the more aggravated I became. I don’t believe I ever finished it. Her views on agriculture are plain wrong and very anti-science, despite her scientific background. If you do listen to her talk, please consider also looking into the science-based perspective on the issues rather than uncritically believing her views, even if they may compliment your own views of the issues. Steven Novella is a communicator who does an excellent job of representing the scientific perspective. Look for his articles, talks, and podcasts on these issues and on Vandana Shiva herself.

  3. Charles Boyer

    This is 21 years old? Explains why I’ve heard it a few times over the years. Alternative Radio never disappoints, and the Vandana Shiva speech “The Recovery of the Commons” is as relevant as ever. Good to hear it again.

  4. Judith Lopes

    I am not sure which tail end lecture I heard. One thing I feel strongly about is anyone who feels strongly about the environment, our food and the future of our beautiful planet, this is a must listen to.

    Bless her. Yes, and thank you.

  5. linda muir

    Excellent work and devotion. Heard it in my car driving home from work. The power of the press….

  6. Jason

    I only heard part of her podcast speech driving home from work, but what I heard made me sit up and listen. Most of what Vandana said had to do with definition of resources and how they are valued in different periods of history. Her most important point was that if profit was the main goal of building massive agricultural areas in the past, they never would have been built. Many agricultural societies never would have existed. We need to remember to keep these things in perspective when capitalism starts dividing up property into seller and smaller areas where people can no longer take care of themselves. The welfare of billions of people is at stake.
    Another example is the medical system which attends to all people, or just the wealthy. What happens if the plague breaks out? If the medical system will not help these people they will all die cruel deaths. That is the difference of a socialized medical system and a privatized one, showing the cruelty of what capitalism since the industrial revolution has created.

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