The Anti-Democratic U.S. Constitution
The title of this program may come as a surprise to some. The Constitution is considered by many in the United States as a sacred document. Its framers are venerated as demi-gods. The Founders, white men, slave owners and holding property shaped a document that would codify and entrench their class power and privilege. It was crafted to benefit the few at the expense of the many. The delegates in Philadelphia in 1787 made sure that the interests of the wealthy were secured and that democracy, rule of the people, was constrained and limited. “The property less multitude,” which James Madison recognized as “the majority faction” was a “danger” to be contained. The “unequal distribution of property” was a political powder keg for the framers hence the need to maintain “the spirit and form of popular government” with only a minimum of substance.

Paul Street
Paul Street is an independent social critic, commentator and award-winning journalist. He is the author of many books including The Empire’s New Clothes and They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy. His articles appear in Truthdig, Z and CounterPunch.
Jeff in Toronto –
Your Alternative Radio Paul Street program on CIUT/Toronto was the best radio I’ve heard in years. Our CBC has fallen into useless liberalism. It was invigorating to hear your broadcast. In solidarity.
kathleen m. russell –
I had not yet heard a voice that did not promise a way out democratically, and revolt is quickly smashed, but consciousness at least is turning.
Karen M Fitchitt (verified owner) –
It does appear indeed that we assume the Constitution to be a foundation for our way of life in America when of course it was written to support the few privileged white men who originally prepared it. In a time when the average white American income has reached $170,000, while the average black family income is stuck at $17,000, one-tenth is not enough. Likewise, another well made point of this discussion remains the need to review and amend the methods required to change this outdated privileged white man’s (capitalist merchants’) pedestal.