Dateline: New Delhi
India is the object of increasing U.S. attention as evidenced by Bush’s recent visit to that country. Long-range U.S. geopolitical strategy in Asia is aimed at China. A series of military bases are in place and being built that will effectively encircle China. India is emerging as a key component of U.S. plans. New Delhi has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. To lure it into the U.S. orbit, Bush approved a questionable deal to allow India to expand its nuclear weapons arsenal. Iran, which is an NPT signatory, and has no nuclear weapons, is being treated by quite a different standard. To further complicate matters and heighten tension, Washington is trying to prevent New Delhi from making energy deals with Iran and Syria. Not everyone in India is keen to participate in the coming power play to yoke the country to the U.S. grand design for Asia.
Interview by David Barsamian.

Siddharth Varadarajan
Siddharth Varadarajan is one of India’s leading journalists. He has worked for The Hindu and The Times of India. He is editor of the book, Gujarat:The Making of a Tragedy.
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