Audio Energy for Democracy
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The War on the Poor
Randy Albelda
Now that Clinton has ended welfare as we knew it, where do we go from here? The sixty-year-old federal program to assist the needy is history. The attack was fueled by rhetoric about “dependency” and “social pathology.” The question persists, however, Why does the richest country in the world have so many poor people and […]
IMF & World Bank: Structural Maladjusters
Njoki Njehu
Interviewed by David Barsamian.
The Mandaeans of Iraq
Kurt Rudolph
This program is about the Mandeans of Iraq. They are an ancient community who follow Madeanism, a Gnostic religion. Small in numbers they speak a Semitic language related to Aramaic. Their belief system influenced other religions that followed. They say they are descendants of John the Baptist. Rudolph says, “They believe it but it is […]
Arts 3-Pack
Amiri Baraka, Wallace Shawn, Howard Zinn
Resistance and the Arts
Artists & Social Responsibility
Resistance & the Role of Artists
Lawrence Ferlinghetti & Peter Lamborn Wilson Read Poetry
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Peter Lamborn Wilson
Lawrence Ferlinghetti & Peter Lamborn Wilson read poetry. Recorded at Naropa Institute.
Interview with Michael Hagopian 1980
Michael Hagopian
Interview with Michael Hagopian in Boulder CO, 1980
Pakistan: Environment in Crisis
Najma Sadeque
Pakistan is much in the news. Almost all the attention is on its perilous security situation. But it is also beset with acute environmental problems. Typical of many post colonial countries, Pakistan went headlong into a western model of industrial development. Big dams were seen as an elixir. Now, most of those dams are silting […]
Where Have All the Jokes in Eastern Europe Gone?
Andrei Codrescu
Recorded at the University of Colorado.
Anti-Communism and the Evolution of the Women’s Movement
Margaret Randall, Angela Davis, Rosalyn Baxandall, Amy Swerdlow
Margaret Randall, Angela Davis, Rosalyn Baxandall, and Amy Swerdlow speak at the Institute of Media Analysis Conference. Recorded at Harvard.
The Kurdish Question & Iraq
Nubar Hovsepian
This program focuses on the long-standing Kurdish question in relation to Iraq and across the greater Middle East. Hovsepian says, “The Middle East suffers today from problems created as a result of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern state system.” The Kurds, like the Armenians, got the short end of the stick. […]
Ira Chernus
Recorded at KGNU.
Backlash: Community or Chaos in the Twenty-First Century
Mab Segrest
Racism, sexism and homophobia are deeply entrenched. While some legal provisions provide a patina of protection, the problems persist. During periods of economic decline, there is a tendency not to examine root causes but to scapegoat individuals and groups who are most vulnerable and powerless. Politicians and editorial writers sanitize and mask their attitudes. The […]