Prospects for Peace in the Middle East
The adjective most often used to describe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is intractable. Ancient hatreds, the experts tell us, make it impossible for the two peoples to live in peace. Peace, peace, peace is chanted like a mantra by both parties. Yet what is preventing it from being realized? For decades, there has been an almost unanimous international consensus on solving the problem. UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 are the foundations for a settlement. Two countries have consistently opposed the implementation of those resolutions: Israel and the United States.
Interview by David Barsamian.

Hanan Ashrawi
Hanan Ashrawi, distinguished academic and political activist, served from 1996-98 as Minister of Education under the Palestinian Authority. She was educated at the American University at Beirut, and got her Ph.D. in comparative literature at the University of Virginia. With her many media appearances and public talks, she’s one of the most well-known representatives of the Palestinian viewpoint. She is the author of From Intifada to Independence and This Side of Peace.
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