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Air-Brushing History
Howard Zinn
Studs Terkel, the great historian, says the U.S. suffers from a kind of national Alzheimer’s disease. Aided and abetted by the media and the education system there are aspects of history that are simply forgotten. Take say the Nuremberg trials after World War II where the top Nazis faced justice. What were they accused of? […]
Democracy & U.S. Foreign Policy
Noam Chomsky
CIA Director Porter Goss warned Congress that “Islamic extremists are exploiting” the Iraq war “to recruit new jihadists.” Those who survived the war, he said, were likely to leave Iraq “experienced and focused on acts of urban terrorism.” And that it would “only be a matter of time before Al Qaeda” uses weapons of mass […]
Delusions of Empire
Tariq Ali
In 1920, T. E. Lawrence, the famous Lawrence of Arabia wrote, “The people of England have been led in Iraq into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honour. They have been tricked into it by a steady withholding of information. It is a disgrace to our imperial record, […]
Plan B: A Blueprint for People & the Planet
Lester Brown
The global demand for food and fresh water continues to rise. But world grain production is down. And we’re depleting groundwater at an unsustainable pace. Global temperatures are rising rapidly due to emissions from cars, factories and power plants. Plan A; maintaining the status quo thru over consumption of resource, is not working. In a […]
Jim Crow & Jezebel Go To Hollywood
Cedric Robinson
The power of cinema to shape public perception is as old motion pictures themselves. In the late 19th century, Jim Crow was the term for a system of laws and policies designed to maintain racial segregation. Jezebel was a featured character in Southern literature at that time, an irresistible black woman seducing white men. The […]
Debacle In Iraq
Naomi Klein
President Bush declared after the attack on Iraq: “We’re not an imperial power. We’re a liberating power.” The president maintains the rhetoric that empires throughout history have taken—wars are waged for “liberation” rather than for domination. Perhaps Bush is unaware that he was echoing British General Stanley Maude, who, after conquering Baghdad in 1917, proclaimed, […]
CIA Crack Cocaine Connection
Gary Webb
Whether through malign intent or gross negligence, the CIA contributed to the drug problem in South Central Los Angeles in the mid-1980s. How could it happen? Accomplices include the House Intelligence Committee, the Justice Department and the Attorney General’s Office, which either passed the buck or ignored reports of illegal activity. National security is invoked […]
CIA Covert Actions & Drug Trafficking
Alfred McCoy
2 CDs Investigative journalist Gary Webb’s series in the San Jose Mercury News gave new life to the charge of CIA drug running. Rep. John Conyers, Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus, convened a special seminar on Capitol Hill to focus on the issue. This panel of experts discusses the new revelations as well as […]
Critical Thinking
Howard Zinn
The U.S. is now bogged down in a guerilla war in Iraq. The political leadership misled the people in a pattern of deception that Machiavelli would have admired. The media, with few exceptions, never challenged the official stories. Only a handful in Congress asked questions. In a remarkable propaganda triumph, the Bush Administration managed to […]
Enablers of Empire
Tariq Ali
Every imperial system needs a specialized class of collaborators and informants. As Edward Said pointed out, a group of scholars and cultural workers gave gravitas and legitimacy to European conquests of centuries past. They were the instruments and the enablers of empire. Knowledge and power intersected with the former subordinated to the latter. Today, with […]
How I Became An Activist
Michael Parenti
In the Spanish of the American Southwest a palito is a piece of kindling wood that ignites the larger logs. What is that palito that sparks a passive citizen to become an activist? We are all products of many influences. One big factor for me (AR’s David Barsamian) was my uncle Sarkis Hagopian. He wasn’t […]
The Divine Right of Capital
Marjorie Kelly
Ordinary people work all their lives, expecting their pensions upon retirement. Instead, they’re handed pink slips, then told their pensions are worthless. Corporate executives rake in millions while shady accounting practices hide the fact that they are at the helm of ships in trouble. When news of massive corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom and Global […]