Runaway Capitalism
Our great leaders tell us what we already know, The economy is “sour.” But no worries. At the end of the day all will be well. Just keep on shoppin.’ Capitalism is the only game in town. Growth for growth’s sake, without any attention paid to its consequences, is producing what one Canadian scholar calls “The Cancer Stage of Capitalism.” And like a cancer it will keep metastasizing until it kills its host. The economic system is predicated on constant expansion and growth. The gospel of consumerism is an unsustainable paradigm. What is required is a radical rethinking of basic assumptions. Yet virtually no politician is willing to speak the hard truth to citizens. They are tinkerers at best, suggesting cosmetic changes such as buying a hybrid car and recycling paper and glass. Other than that it’s business as usual.
Benjamin Barber
Benjamin Barber was a well-known scholar and political theorist, best known for his books: Strong Democracy, Jihad vs. McWorld and If Mayors Ruled the World. He passed away in April 2017.
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