Why Iowa Matters
What’s the matter with Iowa is what’s the matter with large portions of the U.S. economy: extreme poverty in the presence of extreme wealth. In 1962, Michael Harrington wrote about it in his book The Other America. That America has not gone away. President Johnson’s war on poverty was not won. It was abandoned in the battlefields of Indochina. Today, the United Way estimates almost one in four Iowans live in poverty. And depending on how it is defined, the number of poor people nationwide range from 50 to 140 million. Persistent poverty from coast to coast and growing homelessness are systemic problems. What must be done? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, in his historic Riverside Church speech said, “True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

William Barber
Reverend William Barber chairs NAACP’s Legislative Political Action Committee. He co-chairs the Poor People’s Campaign and serves as pastor at Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. He is the author of Revive Us Again: Vision and Action in Moral Organizing.
Ivana in Northampton, MA –
I am thankful to be able to hear voices other than mainstream news media. I am fired up by Rev Barber’s activism. Thank you for having him and others on your program. The content on Alternative Radio gives me hope that intelligent, compassionate, dedicated people still exist in this country and we are finding each other.
Thank you for your efforts!
Roy Barber –
power to the people
Dan Sadowsky –
That’s the speech we need! That’s the spirit that HAS to get into everyone with a soul. Rise UP!
gael –
William Barber’s words hit home this morning. I will try to work harder toward equity and human justice.
Valori Fussell –
Powerful speaker and on point. If we join together we can overcome the republicans and the democrats. They are standing on our necks and will grind us into the ground if we don’t stand up, stand together and claim our rights and dignity.
Eugene Beil –
Great speech. I wish I had not missed the end of it.
Carl Peterson –
I also heard his speech On WMNF 88.5 FM in Tampa 1/28/2020. Very riveting. I was moved to tears and anger. He was spot on in every part of his speech. He makes me
want to get off my dupa and head to the streets. I’m buying the CD and turning on my friends to this man. I especially liked his references to Nina Simone’s songs of rebellion.
Jen Rosenstein –
Wow! Impassioned and moving! Heard it on 1/28/20 on WJFF
Kathryn Lockett –
Heard speech on 88.5 January 28, 2020. Outstanding!!! Please VOTE.
Barbara Coy –
Janna Bardi –
Tremendously motivating!