Carefully Taught: Clashing Values in the Classroom
2 CDs
Public education is under attack. Classrooms and school boards are ideological battlegrounds in the so-called cultural war. This special two-part documentary explores the struggles taking shape over curriculum, funding and vouchers. The programs look at not only the problems facing public schools but also some of the exciting and innovative changes that have taken place in the past twenty years. Carefully Taught features the voices of many of the leading figures and grassroots activists in the cultural war, from all sides, including Bill Bigelow, author of the “Rethinking Columbus” curriculum, along with conservative school board members, spokespeople from conservative think tanks and the ultra-right chair of the California State Assembly education committee. Carefully Taught is produced by the Portland, Oregon- based Barbara Bernstein.
Barbara Bernstein
Barbara Bernstein is a nationally acclaimed radio producer. Recipient of many awards, she is one of this country’s finest independent producers. See
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