Desperate Passions and Direct Actions
Our planet is becoming increasingly polluted and unalterably changed. Governments seem more intent on promoting and protecting corporate interests than those of the citizenry. While corporations experiment with our food supply and find more markets for their ever-expanding arsenals of chemicals, we bear the financial burdens of cleaning up the toxic soup. We also face an epidemic of cancer and other illnesses related to the devastation of our environment as legislators loosen and overturn protective laws.
Recorded at the University of Colorado.
Helen Caldicott
Helen Caldicott, an Australian-born pediatrician, is a world-renowned environmental activist. She was the founding president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She was named one of the most influential women of the 20th century by the Smithsonian Institute. She is the author of Missile Envy, If You Love This Planet, and Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer.
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