The U.S. Rules the World
Many years ago I heard Noam Chomsky lecture. He compared U.S. foreign policy to the way the mafia operates. That caught the audience’s attention. Everyone had seen The Godfather movie. Chomsky went on to explain that obedience to the Godfather was non-negotiable. Do what you’re told and you’ll not only be protected but richly rewarded. And if you step out of line, the Godfather will come down on you. So it is with U.S. foreign policy. Dissent is not tolerated. Countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Chile, Indonesia and others, with politics and systems that defied Washington, have felt the wrath of U.S. power. The U.S. rules the world.
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky, by any measure, has led a most extraordinary life. In one index he is ranked as the eighth most cited person in history, right up there with Aristotle, Shakespeare, Marx, Plato and Freud. His contributions to modern linguistics are legendary. In addition to his pioneering work in that field, he has been a leading voice for peace and social justice for many decades. Chris Hedges says he is “America’s greatest intellectual” who “makes the powerful, as well as their liberal apologists, deeply uncomfortable.” The New Statesman calls him “the conscience of the American people.” He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT and Laureate Professor of Linguistics and Haury Chair in the Program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona. At 96, he continues to inform and inspire people all over the world. He is the author of scores of books including Consequences of Capitalism, Chronicles of Dissent, Notes on Resistance, and Letters from Lexington (new edition.) His latest book is The Myth of American Idealism: How U.S. Foreign Policy Endangers the World.
Zaheer in Mumbai, India –
Thank you for these important Chomsky interviews.
Jack in Boston –
This is a far more impressive interview with Noam than so many others I see today. You asked much better questions and had him address urgent world-historic topics that will be with us for the rest of our lives.
Mary in New York –
Thank you for the mafia analogy which frames our foreign policy so horrifically well.
Kim Finley –
I highly recommend listening to this and all of Noam Chomsky’s talks or reading his many books. The US government/corporate/military’s unending quest for power and control will surely be our demise. In this talk, Chomsky clarifies that it is up to “us” the citizens and our ability to still speak and act on behalf of our country, democracy, and the world we want to live in to make a change to ensure a just, safe or peaceful world.
Chomsky’s knowledgeable insights come from decades of study and witnessing
that will lift you out of the confusion that comes from the trance of superficial news and pap that we are regularly fed by typical news outlets. You would have to read a library of books to barely scratch the surface of what he knows, understands and offers. It is important that we all start listening. Our problems will not take care of themselves.
Thank you Professor Noam Chomsky for your kind patience and commitment to educating and waking us up! May all of your gifts be heard.