Race, Crime & Punishment
The U.S. has a “love affair with incarceration,” says England’s respected Guardian newspaper. Spanking-new prisons dot the landscape. Prison population has risen 500% since 1972, while the population on the whole only rose 28%. African Americans constitute most of the inmates. They receive longer and harsher sentences than whites. In addition, blacks are disproportionately represented on death row.

Angela Davis
Angela Davis is one of the iconic figures of this era. Acquitted on conspiracy charges in 1970, after one of the most famous trials in U.S. history, she went on to become an internationally renowned writer, scholar, and lecturer. She is professor emerita at the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has been at the forefront of the movement focusing on the prison industrial complex and its intersection with race, class and gender. She is the author of many books including Women, Race and Class, Blues Legacies and Black Feminism, Abolition Democracy, and Freedom is a Constant Struggle.
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