The New Face of Conquest: GATT and NAFTA
GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, are the broadest and most far-reaching trade pacts of this era. GATT, on a global level, and NAFTA, on a regional one, will structure and determine North/South economic relations in the 21st century. Advocates claim the agreements will generate jobs and prosperity. Critics say transnational corporations will reap the benefits while the environment is further degraded. Kristin Dawkins has closely examined GATT and NAFTA.
Kristin Dawkins
Kristin Dawkins is a leading expert on the politics of biotechnology and director of research and policy analyst at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in Minneapolis, where she directs work on ecological economics and the links between trade and environmental policy. She previously directed the Jobs in Energy Project in Philadelphia. She is the author of Gene Wars: The Politics of Biotechnology.
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