Corporate Coup d’Etat
Corporations constitute the most powerful force in society. Their influence has seeped into our classrooms, our newsrooms, our entertainment systems, our consciousness and crucially into our politics. Big money buys access to lawmakers. For sheer arrogance perhaps Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street investment giant, takes the cake. Its CEO Lloyd Blankfein, blithely advises citizens they will have to “lower” their “expectations” when it comes to Social Security which he calls an “entitlement.” Goldman Sachs, made $5.6 billion in profits last year yet it secured tax breaks for its fancy new HQs in New York as well as tax-free bonuses for its top executives. Corporations reign supreme while most people are simply caught in the rain and are getting soaked. Because of the fiscal cliff deal the average worker this year will take home about a thousand dollars less.
Recorded at Town Hall.

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges is an award-winning independent journalist who has covered the Middle East for many years. Noam Chomsky says, “Chris Hedges has compiled a remarkable record of reporting and analysis. He has been an incomparable source of insight and understanding, both in his outstanding career as a courageous journalist and in his penetrating commentary on world events.” He is the host of The Chris Hedges Report and the author of many books. His latest is The Greatest Evil is War.
Bill Dunnell –
I listened to this on NPR and it was a chore. Chris was confusing and seemed confused as he outlined class after class after class of society. He seems to forget that people, as individuals (not classes with labels) make choices in purchasing products and services and these choices, long with how well a company is run, determine the long term winners in our economy.
Pat Kirkup –
I was totally captivated listening today to Chris Hedges radio broadcast on Corporate Coup d’Etat. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with the public.
darryl w hopkins –
If you work on ,for or in conjunction with Wall St. and you wonder if there might be “something else” going on in a BIG PICTURE sense….have a listen. then think about it.