Let’s Fight the Bastards
“We’ve got to have a new political movement that will give people, ordinary work-a-day folks, a political channel for the expression of their anger and of their aspirations. Both political parties are totally butt-deep in the campaign finance corruption. They’re in the pockets of the corporate elites and the wealthy interests in the country. Their policies reflect those interests at the expense of the work-a-day majority.”
Interview by David Barsamian.

Jim Hightower
Jim Hightower is a national radio commentator, writer and public speaker. He is noted for his biting wit. He says he battles the powers that be on behalf of the powers that ought to be. His daily radio commentaries are carried on many stations. The Hightower Lowdown is his award-winning newsletter. He is the author of Thieves in High Places and Swim Against the Current.
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