It’s Up To You
From hanging chads in Florida, to purged voter rolls in Ohio to the Iowa caucus debacle, democracy is in trouble. The venerable system is in the ICU. There is still a pulse but the long term prognosis is not good. There are serious structural problems. Can anyone say electoral college or why elections are held on a workday? And then of course there is money. And the media. The experts sit around tables opining on who is surging and who is fading. It’s more like horseracing trying to handicap the steeds. Citizens. This is no time for apathy or complacency. Get off of your phone. Find kindred spirits. Get engaged in what is probably the most important election in U.S. history. Jim Hightower says, It’s a struggle between the powers that be and the powers that ought to be.

Jim Hightower
Jim Hightower is a national radio commentator, writer and public speaker. He is noted for his biting wit. He says he battles the powers that be on behalf of the powers that ought to be. His daily radio commentaries are carried on many stations. The Hightower Lowdown is his award-winning newsletter. He is the author of Thieves in High Places and Swim Against the Current.
Dortha Willetts –
Ruthie –
Jim Hightower in his infinite wisdom never fails to make me laugh, as well. He’s a true gem.