The Destruction of Yugoslavia
The collapse and disintegration of Yugoslavia, which began in 1991, has resulted in a war with hundreds of thousands of deaths and several million refugees. Atrocities and massacres envelop the Balkans on a scale not seen in Europe in fifty years. Croats and Serbs, in large numbers, have lost their lives and homes but it is indisputable that Bosnia’s Muslims have overwhelmingly borne the brunt of the suffering. Sarajevo, Bosnia’s cosmopolitan capital, has been under siege from Serbian gunners since April, 1992. The rest of Europe and the United States watch in embarrassed silence as the carnage continues.
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens was a regular columnist for Vanity Fair. His articles appeared in major journals and magazines. He was the author of many books including For the Sake of Argument and The Trial of Henry Kissinger. He died in December 2011.
Branka Magas
Branka Magas, now based in London, is a native of Croatia. She is a member of The Alliance to Save Bosnia. She writes for major European newspapers and periodicals. Her book The Destruction of Yugoslavia has been widely praised.
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