The CIA Search for Mind Control
CIA skullduggery is legendary from overthrowing governments to germ warfare to assassinations but its MK-Ultra program may be at the top of the list. MK-Ultra was the code name for the top-secret CIA project in which the Agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments, often on unwitting people, to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control and psychological torture. MK-ULTRA, was essentially a continuation of experiments that began in Japanese and German concentration camps. Not only was it roughly based on those experiments, but the CIA actually hired the war criminals to share their “research” as to what techniques were effective and what were not. It’s a dark page in U.S. history. The godfather of the whole operation was the largely unknown Sydney Gottlieb. He was sometimes called the CIA’s “poisoner in chief.”
Stephen Kinzer
Stephen Kinzer was a New York Times correspondent and bureau chief in Nicaragua, Germany and Turkey. He teaches at Brown University. He is the author of many books including Overthrow, All the Shah’s Men, The Brothers and Poisoner in Chief: Sydney Gottlieb & the CIA Search for Mind Control.
Thomasa T. Panto –
Military empires, like predators teach the offspring to take life from each other. No other herd of mammals destroy their own herd and murders their own species for coins, flags, religions, armies…etc. Brain-washing is nothing new. Rome used Propaganda to turn domesticated human life back into predators. [edited for brevity]
Excellent, informative, timely discussion of MK ultra, Sidney Gotlieb and U.S. CIA exploration of mind control via LSD & other drugs. While originally recorded in Oct 2019 this talk which I listened to in April 2020 was a most especially poignant listen in the era of the CV19 Pandemic. This is information & history most Americans opt to ignore, deny or remain willfully ignorant and uninformed about. Well worth the $5 cost of downloading in my humble opinion.