War and Peace
The U.S. has the world’s most powerful military machine. Its navy controls the seas, its air force the skies. Almost 70 years after the end of World War Two, its armies occupy bases from Germany and Italy to South Korea and Japan. Its CIA-operated drones attack Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. Its multiple intelligence agencies have black sites and black budgets and carry out black operations. The financial costs of maintaining an empire are enormous. The moral costs are incalculable. And some would suggest the external violence connects to the murderous rampages and shootings here in the homeland. The signs of structural decay are all too apparent. Nation-building begins at home. Can we imagine a culture of peace? Can we create a political and economic system that serves the needs of people and protects and honors the Earth?
Annual Kelly lecture for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
Recorded at the Lobero Theatre.

Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich served as a member of Congress from 1997 to 2013, representing Ohio’s 10th district. He brought articles of impeachment against George Bush and Dick Cheney. He was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2004 and 2008. He was an advocate for the creation of a cabinet-level Department of Peace.
Danny Hosey –
stan colenso –
An outstanding analysis and prescription of contemporary America.
see above –
denis is out because his district fell to the larceny of the republicans greed-they drew new lines and pronounced it gerrymandered.
Suzanne Sparks –
Dennis Kucinich is my leader in this country, along with Bernie Sanders – two voices crying in the wilderness. I tuned in tonight and found myself in total accord with what was being spoken, then realized: “I know that voice!” There are genuine public servants among us, but they are all too scarce in a ‘representative democracy’, that has become increasingly corrupt.. We The People have been betrayed, and voices that speak the truth are marginalized by the power elite. Mr. Kucinich’s consistent stamina and integrity is an inspiration to any true United States Citizen who is paying attention.
Claudia Murray –
This speech by Dennis Kucinich is a shining example of the wisdom that could be guiding and driving our government. May it be so, sooner than later. He is wise, he is insightful, he is eloquent and visionary.