Stupid White Men
By chance, Michael Moore’s book Stupid White Men was printed on September 10th, 2001. The next day the publishers suddenly considered his book “inappropriate” claiming that with sections like “Kill Whitey” and a letter asking Bush to resign would not go over well in post-9/11 America. They asked him to rewrite it, but he refused. The book languished for months in the warehouse. Disgruntled librarians finally broke the stalemate. They yelled censorship, and the publisher cried mercy, finally shipping the book in its original form. Moore’s book shot to the top of bestseller lists shocking the experts. Many of the charges that Moore makes in this program, such as bin Laden family members were flown out of the U.S., have been verified and are featured in the film Fahrenheit 9/11.

Michael Moore
Michael Moore is a world famous documentary filmmaker. His Bowling for Columbine won an Academy Award and Farenheit 9/11 won the top prize at Cannes. His films Sicko and Capitalism: A Love Story were critically acclaimed hits.
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