4 reviews for Union Power

  1. Tony Wilson

    Wonderful insightful and very important! Well done.

  2. Curtis Alan Guyer

    Exceptional program -I loved it -only one problem, you are preaching to the choir -I’m not the kind of person that needs to hear this-I’m already there -The ones that need to hear this wont listen to stuff on radio or tv that’s real or important -I can’t get anybody to even speak out ,let alone file a grievance at their workplace -Its sad ,They’ll argue till they’re blue in the face about Trump ,but they don’t know any facts ,don’t watch any documentaries, don’t research anything -The majority of people around here just watch Fox News ,kill em ,rape em ,shoot em shows and dumb movies -every thing you said is true but how do you get the normal everyday Joe to care, get educated and get involved -I just don’t know -Its very disheartening to me -The way you keep going and don’t give up is what is inspiring-wish I had your willpower.

  3. Karla

    Inspiring and empowering – the message and Sara Nelson. Thank you!

  4. Martha from CT

    It was inspiring and fueled my overnight shift. It was the perfect antidote for this dark day/time.

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