Union Power
There’s power in a union is not just an empty slogan or the title of a song it’s a shared reality for many working people. When labor organizes itself into a union it can exert power over bosses. It can demand higher wages and better working conditions and benefits. The CEO class offers workers crumbs while pocketing the big bucks in salaries, bonuses and stock options for themselves. The propaganda system is largely under the control of ruling elites and big business. Thus, unions are painted negatively. However, a Gallup poll shows that union support among workers has increased significantly in recent years. From Amazon to Starbucks to Kaiser to postal workers in Canada there has been an upsurge in workers going on strike and unionization. Solidarity makes a difference.

Sara Nelson
Sara Nelson is the President of the Association of Flight Attendants union. She has long been an advocate for worker’s rights and unions. InStyle magazine named her as one of its “50 Badass Women.”
Tony Wilson –
Wonderful insightful and very important! Well done.
Curtis Alan Guyer –
Exceptional program -I loved it -only one problem, you are preaching to the choir -I’m not the kind of person that needs to hear this-I’m already there -The ones that need to hear this wont listen to stuff on radio or tv that’s real or important -I can’t get anybody to even speak out ,let alone file a grievance at their workplace -Its sad ,They’ll argue till they’re blue in the face about Trump ,but they don’t know any facts ,don’t watch any documentaries, don’t research anything -The majority of people around here just watch Fox News ,kill em ,rape em ,shoot em shows and dumb movies -every thing you said is true but how do you get the normal everyday Joe to care, get educated and get involved -I just don’t know -Its very disheartening to me -The way you keep going and don’t give up is what is inspiring-wish I had your willpower.
Karla –
Inspiring and empowering – the message and Sara Nelson. Thank you!
Martha from CT –
It was inspiring and fueled my overnight shift. It was the perfect antidote for this dark day/time.