Target Iraq
The U.S. is holding military aid hostage, and for ransom they want immunity in the International Criminal Court. This deal, put forward by Bush, would halt military aid to countries unless they agree not to use the Court to try Americans for war crimes. The International Criminal Court, the ICC, was created to try individuals accused of war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity in order to bring criminals to justice and deter future atrocities. Bush’s unprecedented “unsigning” of the ICC treaty keeps the U.S. government on track with its policy of so-called full-spectrum dominance – officially defined as the ability of U.S. forces operating alone or with allies, to defeat any adversary and control any situation across the range of military operations. There is no better example of unilateral U.S. policies that lead to ever more animosity than our current trajectory in Iraq.

Scott Ritter
Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer and a veteran of the first Gulf War. He served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq for seven years. He’s an expert on weapons and arms control. In the lead up to the attack on Iraq, Ritter openly questioned whether Iraq had any weapons of mass destruction. He is the author of Waging Peace and Target Iran.
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