You Can Save the Planet
The crises facing humankind are, to use a much overused but accurate word – unprecedented. Plutocratic power in the hands of the few is a disaster for democracy and our ecosphere. The ruling class is driven by its voracious lust for domination and money. It’s an old American story. Over a century ago Theodore Roosevelt warned against “a small class of enormously wealthy and economically powerful men, whose chief object is to hold and increase their power.” From war to the climate emergency, the threats facing the planet are acute and getting worse. We can protect and nurture the Earth but it won’t happen by magic. We have to work for it. It’s up to us. As Bernie Sanders says, “You can save the planet.”

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders, representing Vermont, is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate. He is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in U.S. history. As a self-described Democratic Socialist, he was a candidate in the 2016 and 2020 presidential primaries. He received millions of votes. He is the author of It’s OK to be Angry About Capitalism.
Fred Malo –
I knew when Bernie endorsed the Green New Deal he was a climate champion. Many of the elements of the GND are in the IRA. That’s the way it works in Washington. You propose legislation that you know the mainstream is gonna find too extreme, then you slip pieces of it into other bills & the people are served.
Listener near Puget Sound, Washington –
Great show with Bernie. One of his best speeches.
Listener in the Colorado Rockies –
Loved Bernie’s talk in the UK. I heard it on KDNK.
Emily Grantham –
I was listening and stopped what I was doing and turned it up. I was so captivated. I love Bernie!
Northern California listener –
Though we may labor without hope, still, we must labor to create a better world. As has often been said, “If we don’t try, failure is certain.” Bernie Sanders’ public address at Oxford make it abundantly clear that an alternative world is possible.
NY Listener –
An excellent speech! We need more wonderful souls such as Bernie out there.
Marnell Kent –
Accurately and courageously speaking truth to power – as always!
Thank you Bernie!!!
Robert Alexander –
Concise and clear headed – gotta love Bernie.
When you have enough money, control is the next challenge – worse than addictive than drugs, there is no such thing as enough.
Andres R Veranes –
To the point and eye opening
Charlie Stehlin –
I caught part of this speech last night. What an astute, clear-headed approach Bernie expresses to the things which ail us as a society in these times, and to know that those of us who really care are not alone! How the money of special interest groups hugely corrupts our government leaders and their policies are as obvious as the rising sun! It is a stain on the country and a barrier toward real progress for all. Bernie knows this! Hearing his words and the compassion in his voice gives one a sense of hope. Such determination and the clear conviction in his voice reveal how Bernie really does care about futurity, and this planet, the only home we know! Thank you for this!