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A World Without Borders
Howard Zinn
Frontiers divide people into nation states leading to an us and them dichotomy. A political elite dominates power and the lexical discourse. Flags become potent symbols of nationalism. Patriotism is used to create the illusion of a common interest that everyone shares. Political leaders exempt themselves from law and basic morality while all the time […]
Targeting Iran
Noam Chomsky
Hypocrisy is criticizing others for behavior which one engages in as well, a double standard. Imperial powers of course take the cake when it comes to hypocrisy. Not content with its “mission accomplished” success in Iraq, the Bush administration is now aiming its guns at Iran. An original member of the “axis of evil,” Iran […]
Hip Hop Culture & the Legacy of Tupac Shakur
Michael Eric Dyson
Rap music and hip hop culture have achieved influence and popularity with youth across the globe. Rising from the inner cities of LA and New York, the music has given birth to an entire generation of charismatic street poets. But with the current glorification of the “gansta” image by the music industry, hip hop’s once […]
The Origins of Racism
Michael Parenti
What is racism? Who are its victims? Who benefits from it? What are its ideological underpinnings? Why does it persist? Racism is universal: from Japan where the indigenous Ainu and Koreans are discriminated against, to Germany where Gypsies and Turks are attacked, to “ethnic cleansing” in the former Yugoslavia, to poor Arabs in France, to […]
Imperial Hubris
Tariq Ali
From ancient times, hubris, the Greek word for reckless arrogance, has brought down princes, kings and empires. It is the fatal flaw that undid Achilles. As Homer describes in The Iliad, had Achilles treated Hector, the fallen Trojan hero, with respect, the wrath of the gods would not have turned on him. Uphold the rule […]
Malcolm X and the Struggle for Black Liberation
William Sales
Malcolm X is one of the towering figures in the struggle for black liberation. He has been identified as an articulator of the rage of black youth and a symbol of pride and defiance. But he was much more than that. Malcolm X was a major thinker and theoretician of black liberation. In the year […]
Agitation: The Essence of Democracy
Jim Hightower
There is a tendency among some people to be let’s face it, lazy. We want things delivered instantly to our doorstep. That may work for pizza but that’s not the way social change happens. It’s instructive to heed the words of Frederick Douglass, the great 19th century African American freedom fighter, who said, “If there […]
Not One More Mother’s Child
Cindy Sheehan
It is a striking phenomenon in the United States that with all the privileges and advantages most citizens enjoy there is a sense of apathy and powerlessness. The refrains of, “What can I do? or “I’m just one person” are rather commonplace. With a largely depoliticized culture individuals are left to decide on whether to […]
Iraq Confidential
Scott Ritter
Deception is a common practice in politics but Americans seem to be particularly easy prey. One reason is perhaps the deeply ingrained idea of the U.S. as a benign and benevolent nation. This notion is part of the catechism of education that is transmitted from generation to generation. Another is that the corporate media fail […]
The Project for a New American Century
Zia Mian
A group of neo-conservatives dominate and drive the ideology of the Bush Administration. Often called, neo-cons, many of them were former Democrats who switched teams early in the Reagan era. They use words like robust and muscular to describe their vision of how the US should conduct itself in the world. With the collapse of […]
Human Rights & the War on Terrorism
Kenneth Roth
The Bush Administration insists that other countries adhere to international law but sets separate rules for itself. The U.S. even invents new categories of prisoners, “unlawful combatants,” and then carts them off to a military base in Cuba. People are held there and in Iraq and Afghanistan in poor conditions with little or no legal […]
Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Bruce Cockburn
A dangerous time indeed. We are plagued by a surge of government and corporate corruption, human rights abuses, massive natural disasters, environmental destruction and seemingly endless war. In these dangerous times, how can we channel our anger, pain and confusion into something productive? How will we remain strong? Music and art have always fueled the […]