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Official Sources Say
Robert Fisk
Journalism was once considered an honorable profession. And no doubt for some it still is. But for those whose occupation and preoccupation is to genuflect before power it has become a ticket to fame and fortune. In the U.S. most journalists work for large corporations who demand substantial profits to satisfy their stockholders. Nothing wrong […]
Abolition Democracy
Angela Davis
In American history the abolitionists fought to end slavery, lynching, and segregation. In our current times, one of the greatest challenges in the work to dismantle such repressive institutions is racism, morphed and hidden within all levels of governmental structures. The U.S. now has the largest prison population in the world. 70% of its more […]
Iraq: A Trillion Here, A Trillion There
Joseph Stiglitz
Everett Dirksen, Republican Senator from Illinois in the 1950s and 60s, once said, “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.” Well, if Dirksen were alive today, he’d be talking about trillions. The U.S. war on Iraq is draining the Treasury coffers to the tune of at least a $ trillion […]
Damaged Care
Stephen Bezruchka
The most enduring and quoted tradition in medicine is the Hippocratic Oath. It states, “As to diseases, make a habit of two things, to help, or at least, to do no harm.” Yet, the U.S., which spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world and is known for its medical schools and […]
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal
Anthony Arnove, Amy Goodman, Howard Zinn
Four decades ago the Vietnam War led to millions of deaths throughout Indochina. 58,000 Americans were killed. The war generated enormous opposition in the U.S. Today the U.S. is in another war of aggression in Iraq. Mirroring the Vietnam happy talk of lights at ends of tunnels, General Peter Pace, the head of the Joint […]
Reefer Madness
Eric Schlosser
Marijuana is a multi-billion dollar piece of the underground economy. Public support is growing for relaxing or eliminating the penalties against adults who smoke pot. But the Bush administration continues to push severe punishment and strict definition of marijuana as a dangerous illegal drug. Another thriving part of the underground economy in the U.S. is […]
Sports & Politics
Dave Zirin
Marx once wrote “religion was the opiate of the masses.” If he were writing today he might add sports. Few activities generate as much attention and passion as sports. From March Madness to the Super Bowl, there is enormous media coverage. Athletes are objects of adoration and idolization, that is, as long as they don’t […]
Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iran
Ahmed Rashid, Ervand Abrahamian
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran have extensive historical and cultural links. Peoples, languages, music, and food spill over borders. The U.S. is deeply involved in all three nations. It has occupied Afghanistan since October, 2001. It’s pulled Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s military dictator and former patron of jihadi groups, into its orbit. In Iran, U.S. saber-rattling raises […]
Imperialism & the New World Order
George Galloway
It was Bush the Elder who proudly proclaimed “a New World Order” after the First Gulf War. Some at the time expressed skepticism saying it was the old world order dressed up in new clothes. It was imperialism in the guise of globalization. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. was the sole […]
Dateline: New Delhi
Siddharth Varadarajan
India is the object of increasing U.S. attention as evidenced by Bush’s recent visit to that country. Long-range U.S. geopolitical strategy in Asia is aimed at China. A series of military bases are in place and being built that will effectively encircle China. India is emerging as a key component of U.S. plans. New Delhi […]
Coretta & Martin, Katrina & Bush
Al Sharpton
Warned of dire consequences before Katrina struck Bush proclaimed, “We are fully prepared.” Days later he said no one could have anticipated the levees being breached. Precisely that possibility ranked very high on disaster scenarios. New Orleans has one of the highest concentrations of poverty in the country. Most of the poor people are African […]
A World Without Borders
Howard Zinn
Frontiers divide people into nation states leading to an us and them dichotomy. A political elite dominates power and the lexical discourse. Flags become potent symbols of nationalism. Patriotism is used to create the illusion of a common interest that everyone shares. Political leaders exempt themselves from law and basic morality while all the time […]