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Antonia Juhasz
The iconic moment of the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in Baghdad. It was a staged event with extras supplied by the now discredited neocon favorite Ahmed Chalabi. What was really important was going on in the rest of the city: massive looting. Government […]
Breaking the Sound Barrier
Amy Goodman
Corporate control of print, TV, and radio poses serious problems for the communication needs of a democratic society. Without a broad spectrum of information and perspectives citizens are offered narrow choices on critical public issues. For example, discussions on Iran are limited to one guest saying, “Why wait? Let’s attack now and get it over […]
Latin America: Stirrings in the Servants’ Quarters
Noam Chomsky
In his first full-length interview since Hugo Chavez’s UN speech which made his book Hegemony or Survival a bestseller, Noam Chomsky talks about developments in Latin America and challenges to U.S. hegemony. Since the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. has viewed Latin America as an area it could easily dominate and control. With the elections of Chavez in […]
American Theocracy
Kevin Phillips
By most standards, the Bush Administration, more than any other in U.S. history, has blurred the distinction between church and state. Never before has so much taxpayer money, some $2 billion, gone to religious groups via the “faith-based initiative” program. According to Kevin Phillips, the base of Bush’s political support is “a huge evangelical. fundamentalist, […]
Armed Madhouse
Greg Palast
Once journalists were celebrated for digging up dirt and exposing corrupt and lying politicians. Today most of them have become lambs. The sycophancy of reporters and news organizations to toe the line and not rock the boat have resulted in a huge loss of credibility for the media. Fed up with the same old, same […]
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
Gore Vidal
Politicians in Washington of all stripes, whatever the occasion, love to quote the Founding Fathers. But there’s one quote you’ll never hear. It’s from James Madison. He said, “Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is […]
The New American Militarism
Andrew Bacevich
In a famous exchange, in the 1990s, Madeleine Albright demanded of General Colin Powell, “What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” Well, the U.S. is using that military all over the world and has constructed an empire of more than 700 bases. Not only […]
9/11 and the Uses of Fear
Sut Jhally
9/11 is a template and trigger for a range of emotions. Who can forget the horror of that day? One shouldn’t. But at the same time we should be aware of how 9/11 is being used as a weapon of intimidation to silence critics of the Bush war on terrorism. Those who speak out are […]
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
John Perkins
Loan sharks prey on the vulnerable, loaning to people who can’t get help elsewhere. Sharks are great salesmen, appearing as friends when you need a lift out of an economic hole. The shark is good at hiding the true terms of the arrangement, and soothes your fears about his demands for collateral. When the inevitable […]
Roots of Terrorism
George Galloway
Ever since September 11, the Bush administration and its corporate media allies have scrupulously denied the possibility that the terrorist attacks were motivated by anything other than hatred of America. Even a hint that terrorism could be connected to U.S. policy is immediately greeted by jingoists and their noise machine with howls of derision and […]
The Case for Impeaching Bush
John Bonifaz
On May 1, 2005, the Sunday Times of London published a secret memo that summarized meetings between top British officials and the Bush Administration. Dubbed the “Downing Street Memo” it instantly became front-page news in Britain but not in the United States. The memo’s explosive content reveals that by July 2002 George W. Bush had […]
Facts Matter: The War on Terror
Noam Chomsky
Doris Lessing, the eminent British writer, once said of Tony Blair: “He believes in magic. That if you say a thing, it’s true.” She could describing George Bush. The American president, who has commented that he has “war on his mind,” proudly proclaims that he goes by his “gut” instinct when he makes decisions. That’s […]