Media Monopolies: Corporate Merger Mania
Many of you have played Monopoly. Well, it’s not just a board game. Monopoly is a big part of the business world. New and ever-larger media mergers and takeovers are becoming almost routine. Each new deal seemingly dwarfs the previous one. Fewer and fewer corporations dominate more and more media. But does the public benefit from this situation? Growing corporate control of media poses serious questions of a democratic society. The spectrum of opinion is narrowing. Few voices are heard challenging power and privilege. Instead of perspectives from A to Z, it’s more like A to B.
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Cohen founded Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) , the New York-based media watch group in 1986. He was founding director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College, where he was an associate professor of journalism.
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