The U.S. and Latin America
Fuentes, one of Mexico’s leading writers, points out the inadequacies of the term Latin America. A more accurate description would encompass the indigenous, African, and Iberian components which make the continent polycultural. He reviews the history of Mexico and the U.S. Highly critical of the “imperial designs of the U.S.” he warns Washington not to undertake unilateral interventions which “has led to disasters” and calls for “an international order where no one nation imposes its will on others.” Speaking of the continent as a whole, Fuentes says, “We have not been able to unite because we have imposed on ourselves models of development scarcely related to our cultural reality.”

Carlos Fuentes
Carlos Fuentes of Mexico was one of this era’s best-known novelists and essayists in the Spanish-speaking world. His books have been widely translated into English and other languages. The New York Times called him, “Mexico’s elegant public intellectual and grand man of letters, whose panoramic novels captured the complicated essence of his country’s history for readers around the world.” He died in May 2012.
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