5 reviews for War or Peace in the Middle East

  1. From a listener in the Philippines

    Rami Khouri was exceptional. You asked really good questions.

  2. Dr. Judith A Berlowitz

    Such a pleasure to hear Mr. Khouri put everything together. I heard him late last night over KALW and was impressed by his emphasis on positive actions.

  3. GM Huey

    On air now – this is refreshing and on point. Thank you!

  4. Ann in MIchigan

    Rami Khouri is so very powerful. Thank you David for sharing it with us. We need to get this information out to a wider audience. A Quaker in my old Ann Arbor meeting just wrote last week, “we all know that Hamas is evil.” That is heartbreaking. I will be forwarding this to him and to others who are looking for non-mainstream media perspectives on Israel, Palestine and U.S. MidEast policy.

  5. Jerry Markatos

    Rami Khouri describes the current cruelty and destructive savagery, yet describes the goal of “a peaceful, stable, productive and joyful Middle East.” His deeply informed historical perspective helps us recognize and pursue the newly emerging possibilities!

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