5 reviews for Consumer Capitalism

  1. Maria G.

    Justin is correct…life in the U.S. revolves around consuming goods.
    Time ago, heard a man who returned ‘home’ after living in the U.S.A., because he saw life in the U.S. about working to consume goods, and nothing else —he felt weighted down by a life of solitude.

    It’s an addition, and in the present tense a way to cope with total, and complete dysfunction.

  2. Gerald Iversen

    I was so engaged by this presentation that I added it to my “Simple Living Works! Recommends” Literacy Service at http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=archives/Literacy.php

  3. Matthew

    I heard Justin’s lecture he gave at Smith College while on a road trip yesterday. Honestly, I was blown away by his clear and brilliant presentation. His words about the gradual collapse of our consumerist system so resonated. He is a sage, a still small voice in the desert we need to hear or else we are on a road to more global and environmental pain, individual loneliness and exhaustion, and more ills. Thank you Justin. Your words speak much truth, ultimately from a place of love for humankind.

  4. Kristin

    Excellent lecture! Information on the true cost of goods and the true cost to society.

  5. Geno Rodriguez

    One of the best speakers I have heard. Clear and succinct. Valuable information that is so missing in our lives. Every student (and retiree) should get a copy of this broadcast.In depth and clearly presented. No pablum or opinionated vapidness.

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