Corporate Autocracy, Fascism, Trump & the Election
Corporate power is more concentrated than ever before. The rich are significantly richer. And the poor? Well, they know their place. There’s an odor of fascism in the air. FDR once warned, “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism.” You can hardly turn on the radio or TV or go online and not hear or read the sentence: This is the most important election in American history. In response to the current crises, note the plural, we can moan and groan or we can act. The task for concerned citizens is what it always has been: organize at the grassroots, resist oppression and put forth positive alternatives.
Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader, a legendary figure, has spent a lifetime fighting on behalf of ordinary people. Life magazine ranked him as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century. The Atlantic named him one of the hundred most influential figures in U.S. history. Founder of Public Citizen, he is a long-time advocate for consumer safety and workers’ rights. He rose to fame in the 1960s when he took on General Motors and its unsafe Corvair car. His 1965 book Unsafe At Any Speed not only created a sensation but also was instrumental in the enactment of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. His efforts helped create the Environmental Protection Agency. He has exposed the misdeeds of the corporate sector as well as of the political system. In recent years he has led the struggles around NAFTA, the WTO, corporate welfare, and single-payer health care. He is the author of numerous books including Return to Sender, Unstoppable, To the Ramparts, Breaking Through Power, The Rebellious CEO and Let’s Start the Revolution. At 90, Citizen Nader is as active as ever.
From Amy in MA –
Ralph Nader is very special. Thank you so much for celebrating his 90th with this excellent and informative program.
Phil Hughes –
I agree with us being privileged to have and be able to listen to Ralph Nader. He is prophetic in his wisdom and balance. Will American’s again permit a corrupt, unhinged national “hero” to become a leader in the western world?
Rich in MT –
Ralph Nader’s astute, clear-eyed analysis of our current political/geopolitical situation and his unwavering calls to citizens of the U.S. empire to organize, reclaim our power and demand honest, accountable government should be heard by all. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Listen, learn, and act. At this breathtakingly precarious time in human history, our collective fate and future depend upon it.
Harry in Santa Barbara –
What a treat to hear Ralph Nader this morning. It’s a shame he never received the widespread support he deserves. America had its chance for greatness, but instead, we have Trump leading in polls. It really is shocking.
Darrell Costa –
What a gift of insight and genius summary of a lifetime of witness and study by one of our most ethical and clear-headed activists. Overwhelmed by the wisdom and classic penetrating insights from a world treasure — Ralph Nader at 90 is more eloquent and brilliantly analytical than whole think tanks combined! Puts to rest the simple age argument about who should be President! And his urgency and practicality to make differences at the grassroots level is inspiring in a gutted apathetic national atmosphere. His advice to “vote your conscience” too is more proven than ever — his having been damned as a past election spoiler giving us cocaine Bush. The cycle of history via compromise and lesser of two evils thinking seems no consolation with all the ravages both parties in the U.S. have authored. May his voice and wisdom continue to knock at our doors of self-delusion, hypocrisy and national delusions of grandeur.