From Birmingham to Bethlehem
How can the Palestinian struggle for freedom and dignity take lessons from the Black Liberation Movement? Historical circumstances are clearly different yet there are similarities. Both are located in a colonial-like situation, where a powerful oppressor dominates another less powerful group. Racism is a major factor. The Black Liberation Movement and Malcolm X’s eloquent voice and militant politics resonate with Palestinians struggling for their freedom. Liberation struggles are not easy. Resistance to change is entrenched. Power does not readily give up its prerogatives.

Eugene Puryear
Eugene Puryear is a journalist, activist and public speaker. He is a founding member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. He is the host and producer of BreakThrough News. He is the author of Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America.
Dana Franchitto (verified owner) –
I have this program and have listened to it many times. Mr. Puryear eloquently makes his case for the connection between black and Palestinian struggles against American Empire. BUt surprisingly he waxes rather capriciously about women’s rights and struggles. Does he really think that the US still only portrays women as Hollywood sex symbols. while I certainly don’t deny the history of systemic sex discrimination in the US, I still must ask if Mr. Puryear is aware that women hold congressional offices, court positions on many levels , and for better of worse CEO positions in corporate boardrooms. Does he think, this holds true in an ancient archaic theocratic culture like Iran or Kuwait? TRue, women in the US were not granted rights from on high by wise old fathers. THey had to fight for them and that struggle continues today. But let’s be realistic about Iran and other nations in the mId EAst. Democracy loses out to theocracy.
From Jim in Toronto –
Eugene Purview really rocked it with his dynamic delivery and brilliant analysis. I liked both his lecture and the interview David did with him. Heard him on CIUT here in Toronto.
Barb –
Enlightening! Looking forward to reading more from this brilliant person and am sharing this interview.
Leesa Cannon –
Just listened on KBOO Portland. Thank you Mr Puryear for speaking all the truths.
Susie –
Joe –
Patrick Hunter –
He made a lot of connections I was unaware of.
From Liz in CT –
Puryear is a ball of fire. Wow.
Scott Kirby –
I really like what I heard on this program.
Sal Mangiagli –
Most excellent perspective and the timing of all of us needing to come together is at another historical peak. Michelle Alexander has a recent piece along theses same lines. Revolutionary Love is all that can save us. It’s become undeniable that global oppression has gone too far.
RW Estela –
Mr. Puryear’s “From Birmingham to Bethlehem” will be featured in the supplemental material of the Black History Month topics we are continuing from February into March this year, including W.E.B. Du Bois & James Baldwin. Puryear deserves special attention. He is not intending for any of us to be comfortable. Being comfortable has been the cause of much complacency in American society over the centuries, allowing for exactly the domestic & international malaise he describes in such exquisite detail in so few minutes, so any listeners need to hang on and listen up! A speaker such as Mr. Puryear, able to synthesize fantastic quantities of data (read: history, religion, literature, for starters) is a rarity, and needs to run at whatever pace he deems adequate. Hooray, Sir!
RW Estela
UMaine Honors College
Gil Leib –
His content was excellent.
His delivery could be a little slower if order for some of us
to absorb it better and be a little more comfortable.