Live in Eugene
John Trudell believes that the progression of civilization has spawned a “mining of the spirit.” Society pollutes the minds of its people with technological toxic waste. The individual is alienated from the roots of “human belongingness.” Drawing from historical perspectives of “Earth DNA” he urges individual and collective responsibility. In this talk, Trudell interlaces poetry into a wide range of topics central to his foundational theme: what it means to be a human being. “If we understand who we are as human beings, we can use that understanding to generate coherency and clarity.”

John Trudell
John Trudell was one of Native America’s most articulate voices on the need to cherish and nurture the Earth. He participated in the seizure of Alcatraz and served as chair of AIM, the American Indian Movement. He was an outstanding musician and recorded multiple albums. He acted in such films as Thunderheart and Smoke Signals. He passed away in 2015.
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