Bailouts, Greece & Capitalism
Lousy job prospects got you down? Deep in debt? Welcome to 21st century capitalism. The dominant ruling class has one mantra: More for Me, Less for You. That has certainly proven true. Workers’ incomes have gone flat while the rich have gotten richer. Maybe Desperate Housewives should be replaced with a series called Desperate Workers. The global economic crisis continues to take an enormous human toll. In many ways, Greece has become the symbol of an economic system in disarray. While banks were bailed out, the people of the cradle of Western civilization were subjected to an EU German-directed austerity program. While banks were bailed out, the people of the cradle of Western civilization were subjected to an EU German-directed austerity program. The bad joke is the Bundesbank has done today what the Wehrmacht was unable to do in World War Two. Greece is on its knees. But the Syriza Party is resisting diktats from Brussels and Berlin and offering hope to beleaguered Greeks.

Richard Wolff
Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and currently a visiting professor at the New School in New York. The New York Times calls him “America’s most prominent Marxist economist.” He is the author of numerous books including Democracy at Work, Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens and Occupy the Economy with David Barsamian.
David Beebe –
Wolff’s knack for weaving a tragic tale from a complex story line into a parable comprehensible to all, is brilliantly executed here. Hopefully, future talks will then link this parable to capitalists’ war making.
Timo Yannopoulos –
Am big AR fan & admire David’s work. With all due respect.
Listing to this Gentleman I got goose bumps. He didn’t do his home work
I kindly wish to ask him to answer us several questions with regards to the Greek mess.
1. Did you know that Greece has about 2 Million Gov. official for only10 Mio Citizens? All of them received 14 month salaries + big bonuses for operating the Fax machines, PC and currying the folders from desk to desk? & retire with 50 @ 120% of their income.
2. Have u contacted business with Greek gov. institutions? Sure not. I did have to go through this torture several times. It takes for ever, while dealing with clue less & corrupted gov. staff.
3. Did you know, they haven’t closed the fiscal books from the Athens Olympics yet? Now one know where the money went.
4.Have you heard of “FAKELAKI” an envelope with lots of tax free money “kick backs” you must give to the doctors and/or folks in power to get them do the job they are already paid? Especially Gov. Officials. Give it a try.
5. Did you know Greece has cheated their in to the EURO ZONE, by manipulating their GDP and fiscal books, so that they get all these Billions from the EU? By the way all parties have participated in this Conservative, Socialist & Syriza too. Where is all the money? Hiding in poor Greeks pockets Tax Free.
6. Why don’t Syriza go after those who are in the Lagarde List?
Don’t blame the others, they did it to themselves.
Thx 4 reading.
Marissa –
This is the best explanation of what is going on in Greece and with capitalism that I have ever heard, and I thank you for being passionate, clear, and to the point.