Native American Women & Environmental Struggles
Native American women are in the frontlines of numerous struggles to protect and save the environment. Indian reservations are the sites of much environmental degradation. Native American women lead resistance to mining operations, clearcutting, dam projects and toxic and nuclear waste dumps. Their underfunded and mostly volunteer efforts barely make the news, reflecting the larger invisibility of Indian people.

Winona LaDuke
Winona LaDuke is a brilliant and articulate representative of Indigenous perspectives. At the age of seventeen, she spoke at the UN on behalf of Native Americans. She is a founding member of Women of All Red Nations and director of the Land Recovery Project on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. She was the 1996 and 2000 vice-presidential candidate of the Green Party. She is the author of All Our Relations, Recovering the Sacred, The Militarization of Indian Country, and The Winona LaDuke Chronicles.
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